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Enroll now ☆
Liberation Practice Field
become an agent of abolition by practicing liberation with folks who share your vision
You’re here because:
* You’re longing for a space where you can practice personal & collective liberation, radical belonging, world building and symbiotic relationality rooted in trauma-informed, spiritually seeded and abolition oriented guidance
—-> Many of the spaces/organizations/relationships you’ve engaged in have gotten you excited for folks dedicated to change…And then in daily practice have recreated patterns of domination you wish to transmute, leaving you feeling disappointed and frustrated…
Knowing you either have to:
Leave (and look for another space to invest your care, skills, and love), or
Find a radical way of way-showing equity from the inside-out.
* You long for a future in which every body belongs and abolition is not just a dream but a reality (you just don’t know where YOU could start building this future NOW)
—-> OR: You are in a position of service, with the chance to make a radical difference in your communities…
And you know you’re being called to deepen your ability to hold space for trauma and conflict (because they’re inevitable).
* You know in your tissues that power is connection, but you struggle more and more with the ways in which trauma has shaped your relationships
—-> Where you KNOW the key lies in conflict resolution and repair…you find yourself repeating patterns of:
Shutting down and exiting out of fear of being misunderstood, hurting the other person, getting too reactive…or being seen in vulnerability (like crying or anger), driven by shame
Breaking up, canceling the person (or organization), or keeping the relationship shallow (without intimacy) instead of holding the difficult conversations,
Letting resentment build until there’s a big blow-up…
And you know this is holding you back from being seen, understood and fully accepted for who YOU are as a result.
* You’re ready to break patterns of coloniality in your life now (you’re simply not sure how)
This can look like:
Accepting poor treatment in silence and continuing to feel suffocated and small,
Avoiding facing, naming and apologizing for ways you are recreating current oppressive systems that have harmed you and yours, your comrades and other folks who share liberatory values.
* You realise that good ideas, when not embodied, are just that: good ideas in the ethers! You’re longing for an embodied way to practice abolition and liberation.
—-> And not in the surface-level ways that are trending in personal development spaces right now. But rather, methods that hold space for you in the depths. That go where you’ve been afraid to go. Places where the wellness industry or western therapy doesn’t go. Tangible practices that are connected to the Earth and Land, as well as your ancestry and lineage.
* You’ve been in talk therapy for YEARS and feel STUCK talking about your own individual patterns. You became an EXPERT at observing/calling out your “issues” instead of actually building capacity to respond differently to them
—-> It’s one thing to know a theory. It’s another to consistently act on it in the heat of the moment.
* You are drawn to a radical perspective on healing, one that encompasses justice and addresses the impacts of capitalism, colonialism and power-over on our (collective) body & nervous system
—-> Instead of blaming yourself as the problem (as systems of oppression have done for years), you get to approach emotions that arise with compassion, care, and love. This is what leads to deep and lasting relationship with Life.
* You have been looking for somatic education that integrates abolition, social justice & spiritual guidance that supports and fosters the expression of your full, authentic self, outside of coping mechanisms and despite systems of oppression, surrounded by folks who desire the same
—-> That supports and fosters the expression of your full, authentic self:
No matter what level of skill or experience you have in the field.
Being able to express all parts of you, no matter how ‘conflicting’ they may be,
Outside of coping mechanisms that reenact your childhood or society’s scripts
And all of this despite systems of oppression, surrounded by folks who desire the same, and uphold the integrity of the complex space we’ll create together.
* While you fight for others’ sovereignty and access to their Land, you struggle to truly embody your own
—-> Whether that’s easily losing yourself in conflict, responding from reactive states, or refusing to sit in your own power (probably because you’re scared of how truly powerful you are)
You are ready to practice liberation now.
Being able to give apologies to people you love instead of hiding in shame and fear,
Being able to engage in repair with the folks you love and want to be in community with,
Feeling seen, understood, and loved for who you are by the people closest to you,
Being able to engage in difficult conversations, especially when you’re hurt,
Being able to express your feelings when someone has hurt you. Releasing the shame and stuckness that has held you back from expressing yourself for far too long,
Creating space and finding inner-direction for rage, grief and joy , practicing liberation with likeminded folks to create a world radically different,
Holding space for those who’ve entrusted you with their care in times of need (whether you’re a therapist, a social worker, a teacher, a friend, a community organizer, a parent, a grandparent, etc.).
Being able to hold & witness others’ pain because you’re learning to hold & witness your own,
These radical changes are possible when…
… When you have the space to ask your body to re-member what it knows;
… When you re-member, in your tissues, that no one is here to “save you”, when you build capacity to stop being avoidant to what truly matters in your life: YOU;
… When you allow yourselves to lean into the invisible to shift the visible; when you somatically engage in transformation (even under the same pressures!) and witness your role in your communities shift, too;
… When you learn to hone practical skills to reconcile with the past. Instead of making you a constant stream of problems (you’re not a problem to be fixed. Structures are. And they need to be abolished yesterday!)
This allows you to truly CHOOSE who you want to be instead of repeating a script passed down to you (based on structural & generational trauma, or identity politics)
… When you are part of a sacred space that redirects you to the potency of your present:
The erotic found in a deep sigh,
The comfort of leaning in your back body,
The safety the ground offers under your feet;
… When you have the space to build a future in which you already belong. A future that yearns for you. That adores you;
… When you build the capacity to truly respond from a place of embodied care (instead of reacting from a place of guilt-oriented/fear-based urgency) to the world and its weight, its tragedies, its miracles, its potency
… When you learn tools to notice, interrupt patterns of coloniality (separation). To transform them into new avenues of healing and connection. And release what keeps you sheltered from feeling fully ALIVE.
… When you re-member to unlock the wisdom your ancestors have hidden in your tissues: For you to bring to your communities, safely (you are ready!)
… Imagine what could happen when we re-member yesterday, practice today,
open up tomorrow?
Liberation Practice Field is
A year-long offering that aims to restore our:
Safety in relationships,
Collective dignity - where ALL bodies are respected and cared for,
And our feeling of belonging with the Land and its Elements.
It is a land-based, elemental driven, community centered education & practice space for folks who are ready to practice liberation now (& not just think about it)
It is a collaborative communal space dedicated to unlearning power over and practice power with(in)/power to
A space where we are committed to recognizing each other’s sleeping strength and transform it into unwavering solidarity & sovereignty, across and beyond oceans, borders, despite systems of oppression & domination
This space is for you if…
You’re looking for somatic education
and understand better how trauma affects the body (including our collective body)
You’re longing to learn somatic and embodied practices
to reconcile with systemic ruptures that manifest in our (collective) nervous systems
You’re drawn to radical perspective on healing
which encompasses justice and addresses the impacts of capitalism, colonialism, and patriarchy on our soma
You’re yearning for a community of folks
that forms itself by listening, witnessing and celebrating each other in our full sovereignty
You need resources
to deepen your own healing work and practices
What we’ll practice:
Practice Field includes:
* Monthly somatic education calls + somatic & embodied practices for 12 months
Embodiment comes through repetition, and building slowly and steadily off each step of progress. Every month we will deepen what you’ve already practiced, so the tools become readily available to you in the most heightened moments of conflict/crises when you need them the most.
* Monthly somatic practice calls (1 for BIPOC, 1 for white folks)
Practice what we are learning with Esmat (BIPOC group) or Sonya (white folks)
* Guest workshops from incredible talented, abolitionists, healers & visionaries folks
Practice with great folks who have dedicated years of thought, practice, and experience in a wide range of essential skills and practices in our collective movement.
* Community calls with Nike Aurea
* Resources to experiment & practice on your own/with folks
You will not isolate yourself in our group to learn. You will immediately take what you’re embodying, and bring it to your partners, your families, your communities and the community we’ll be building together (if you wish to) as well as your fields of practice and service - to practice liberation NOW.
* Community on discord to connect with folks who have the same longing for liberation
I know it’s tiring to feel the eye rolls or the comments like, “we can’t change anyone’s minds, so why bother trying.” There is power in numbers. And when you understand (and see on a daily basis) how many other practitioners there are doing the work and moving forward, you will stay engaged, accountable, and doing the work to liberate yourself and others.
* 15% discount on all Care’s workshops !
I create workshop all year long, and this is just a small thank you for your dedication to the practice.
* Access to library replays available forever!
You can take the program at a pace that is healthy for your nervous system and your schedule. Many of you are caring for children, loved ones, and have demanding jobs. I understand that, so the resources are here for you, for life.
Somatic Teachings
Somatic classes with Care will happen on the last Thursday of the month (except holidays!) and last 2 hours. Replays will always be available.
Here are the dates of each session so you can pencil them in!
Fall Earth Body Safety
Introduction to somatics, trauma, & abolition:
The Somatics of abolition
30 Sep 2024 - 6pm CEST*
Mapping our commitment rooted in our values:
Abolition and eros
31 Oct 2024 - 6pm CET*
Eros (& trauma):
Locating ourselves through deep longing
27 Nov 2024 - 6pm CET
Winter Water Soul Belonging
The Soma as Ancestral Technology
19 Dec 2024 - 6pm CET
Open Session on Community Conflict
30 Jan 2025 - 6pm CET
The Somatics of Attachment Theory
27 Feb 2025 - 6pm CET
Spring Air Psyche Connection
The Somatics of Transformative Justice:
Accountability, Repair & Generative Conflict
27 Mar 2025 - 6pm CET
The Somatics of Saying Sorry:
Forgiveness, Avoidance & Guilt
24 Apr 2025 - 6pm CEST*
Relating Despite/With Trauma
29 May 2025 - 6pm CEST
Summer Fire Spirit Dignity
The Somatics of Authenticity
26 Jun 2025 - 6pm CEST
The Power of Desire
31 Jul 2025 - 6pm CEST
The Erotics of Purpose
28 Aug 2025 - 6pm CEST
Final Call
25 Sep 2025 - 6pm CEST
*Central European Summer Time (CEST) ends on 27 October 2024. Central European Time (CET) will then go until 30 March 2025.
Convert CEST times to your time zone here.
Convert CET times to your time zone here.
If your part of the world observes daylight savings time, it might end/start on different dates. Make sure to double-check call times beforehand!
Somatic Practice Calls
Somatic Practice
with Sonya for White Folks ONLY
This creative somatic space is specifically for white bodied participants as we move with the necessary unsettling of this liberation work. Together we will engage in embodied practices, guided journey and arts based invitations as we find, explore and stay with our edges.
16 Nov 2024 - 8pm CET (2pm EST)
14 Dec 2024 - 8pm CET (2pm EST)
11 Jan 2025 - 8pm CET (2pm EST)
08 Feb 2025 - 8pm CET (2pm EST)
08 Mar 2025 - 8pm CET (2pm EDT)
12 Apr 2025 - 8pm CEST (2pm EDT)
10 May 2025 - 8pm CEST (2pm EDT)
14 Jun 2025 - 8pm CEST (2pm EDT)
12 Jul 2025 - 8pm CEST (2pm EDT)
09 Aug 2025 - 8pm CEST (2pm EDT)
13 Sep 2025 - 8pm CEST (2pm EDT)
Somatic Practice
with Care for BIPOC* ONLY
This space is for us to practice what comes up in somatic teachings.
14 Nov 2024 - 6pm CET (12pm EST)
14 Dec 2024 - 6pm CET (12pm EST)
09 Jan 2025 - 6pm CET (12pm EST)
13 Feb 2025 - 6pm CET (12pm EST)
13 Mar 2025 - 6pm CET (1pm EDT)
10 Apr 2025 - 6pm CEST (12pm EDT)
08 May 2025 - 6pm CEST (12pm EDT)
12 Jun 2025 - 6pm CEST (12pm EDT)
10 Jul 2025 - 6pm CEST (12pm EDT)
14 Aug 2025 - 6pm CEST (12pm EDT)
11 Sep 2025 - 6pm CEST (12pm EDT)
*BIPOC = Black, Indigenous, People of Color
Guest Calls
Meet the Team
24 Oct 2024 - 7pm CEST
adrienne maree brown:
In Conversation with Care
05 Dec 2024 - 6pm CET
Camille Sapara Barton:
The Power of Grief
12 Dec 2024 - 6pm CET
Richie Reseda:
The Power of Connection
28 Mar 2025 - 5pm CET
We are still finalizing call dates with our other guests.
Thank you for your patience & care!
all of this for
suggested for white folks or for folks whose work allow them to sustain themselves under racial capitalism, benefit from marginalizations like race or borders, for those who are looking for ways to apply this knowledge to their paid work
Enroll Now
Enroll Now ☆
suggested for non-Black folks of color or for folks financially resourced enough to afford weekly therapeutic/development work
For Black folks or for folks whose resources, time and money are limited, those who have been historically stolen from, those who do organizing and community care work and might need to receive!
* possibility to cancel your membership any time!
Practice Field is for:
Folks seeking a holistic and intersectional approach to healing, one that honors their complex identities and life experiences while providing practical and spiritual support;
Folks who have a strong desire to integrate spiritual practices with social justice, abolitionist, and liberationist values and don't know where to start;
Folks seeking for guidance on how to deepen their own healing work and practices;
Folks who are searching for community and connection, whether because you have recently moved, are dealing with grief, or are navigating personal transitions
Folks who want to integrate their creative expressions with their healing and justice-oriented values. You are looking for ways to authentically express yourselves and overcome fears of rejection and judgment in your creative pursuits;
Practice Field is not for folks who desire to work 1:1 with Care.
Each monthly call is a collective, communal call.
Discord is part of this offering so that folks can connect based on interests for abolition, liberation and care.
No. Practice Field is a space for folks who are yearning to re-member what their body knows.
Every month, we will dive deep into each module based on the 4 elements. All you need is your body to practice with us.
It's not work ! It's practice.
There are no "homework" but hopefully embodied rituals and reconciliations you get to be with.
Folks who are yearning for a liberatory future. Note that there are no restrictions on identity, experience or background. If this is a NO GO for you, trust your gut. I will create spaces that are dedicated to certain people only in the future. Practice Field is deliberately open to all who yearn so that folk can practice building community across difference and decompressing biases and injuries with a range of different folk.
You don't have to be part of the community if you don't have capacity or don't feel like it.
A discord community is great for folks who would like to engage and maybe meet IRL IF they feel like it. No obligation!
Every monthly lesson is recorded and made available on Podia afterwards. Replays are available forever. You can take all the time you need to go over the material.
Yes, forever !
We will be meeting live monthly on Zoom every season (dates TBA) starting Libra season for a year.
There will be a total of 4 bonus sessions, one each season: 1 during Fall, 1 during Winter, 1 during Spring and 1 during Summer (dates TBA).
I thrive to be an easy person to say no to, so the answer is YES! You can cancel anytime. I only want folks who feel a FULL BODY YES in this space.
You will be charged monthly but can change your mind anytime and will not be charged. For example if you change your mind in May, your membership will immediately cancelled and you will NOT be charged in June.
I offer partial and full scholarships based on the number of participants, specifically to Black & Brown folks and people from the Global South.
if you like this program, tell your friends about it so that i can offer more scholarships!