

My teachers in Hellenistic Astrology include Acyuta-bhava Das from Nightlight Astrology, Chani Nicholas, Kirah Tabourn, Alice Sparkly Kat, Demetra Georg, Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, Kelly Surtees to name a few. I also completed a training in Evolutionary Astrology with Sabrina Monarch.

I am learning just as much from embodying a human body, reading for wonderful human beings and listening to amazing astrologers that are trying to push the boundaries of what Astrology looks like and who it speaks to.


I principally practice traditional western astrology, which has its roots in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Greco-Roman Hellenistic period. This is the oldest kind of Astrology we know of. I also make a point of incorporating insights from psychological and evolutionary astrology. I principally read natal charts (which represents a snapshot of the skies the precise moment of the native’s first breath).

Following this tradition, I read charts using the most ancient house system in western astrology, the whole sign system. Additionally, I interpret using traditional planetary rulerships of the signs. I sometimes include Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, particularly in transits & asteroids, but never as rulers of signs like Modern astrology does.

I am deeply inspired by the Queer Astrology movement which considers the practice of astrology through the lenses of queer activism, queer studies, and our own queer lives. My work is also deeply informed by my Somatic training: it is crucial to me that all the work that I do is trauma-informed. Finally, I am always influenced by my own Black & queer experience, that I enrich as much as I can by listening, reading and conversing with Black & queer scholars, friends & encounters.

I use astrology as a language to decode my client’s natal promise. By examining a natal chart, I wish to generate insights on the native’s karma, challenges & gifts. I hope that by doing so, I can encourage my clients to start a conversation with planets, stars and Spirit about their own natal chart. There is no need to “fear” your birth chart, and I hope that by getting a reading from me, you truly want to work with your chart instead of against it. I use astrology to offer my client a magic invitation to reflect, contemplate and expand their consciousness and lens through which they observe their time on planet Earth. However, I believe that you are the expert of your own lived experiences, therefore my intent is never to use astrology to claim higher authority or insight into your life. Rather, my goal is to validate & enrich your view with the language of astrology. I hope that coming out of a reading with me, you feel seen & held. Not only by me as an astrologer and fellow human, but most importantly by the skies and your selves. I also hope that my readings allow my clients to listen to wisdom that comes from within.



Our natal chart is a snapshot of the skies when we took our first breath. By stopping time and space and reading our chart through the language of Astrology, we get to understand the reasons that brought us here, what is our purpose (outside of white capitalism boundaries), our hopes and fears, our karmic relationships etc. The goal is to rejoin matter with spirit wherever it tends to be disconnected while highlighting and working through the social realities of this physical world.

Every session will be held on zoom and can be recorded for you to be able to revisit the reading afterwards.

Pricing: 220 euros


This is a natal birth chart accompanied with a lecture of your current planetary transits. As you may already know, planets never stop moving and evolving, just like us! Where are the planets in the sky right now & how do they impact your natal chart and current life? That’s the questions planetary transits tend to.

While I read the birth chart as an image of your karma, planetary transits - which represent the constant streaming of the planets - will comment and offer constant qualifying information or dialogue with that image. Those planetary transits will therefore highlight what the querant is currently going through at the moment of the reading, and offer them perspectives on what is about to come.

Every session will be held on zoom and can be recorded for you to be able to revisit the reading aftwerwards.

Pricing: 280 euros


This is a natal chart reading that includes tarot in the chart. As you may know, there are a lot of correspondences between Astrology and Tarot. Each astrological sign are actually divided into 3 equal parts called decans that are each represented by a Tarot card. By looking at the images that provide Tarot in the birth chart, we can delineate a chart in a way that feels even more tangible for the querant. If you love images and archetypes, this one is for you !

Every session will be held on zoom and can be recorded for you to be able to revisit the reading aftwerwards.

Pricing: 350 euros

Astrology is at its core, a conversation with the skies and its stars. Ancients believed that the Gods were speaking to us through the natural world, and so decoding its signs could lead us back home.

Just like we used the North Pole star to find our way on planet Earth, why not engage in conversations with planets and stars to find our way (back) to ourselves, understanding our selves better and feel deeply seen and held by the universe as a whole?


Let’s unlock other parts of your chart that you want to talk about!

Every session will be held on zoom and can be recorded for you to be able to revisit the reading aftwerwards.

Pricing: 180 euros