


  • You are realising that the way you act is not aligned with your values

  • The way you act/react is a direct response to past traumas, and you’re ready to face, acknowledge and reconcile with their pain through ceremony

  • Talk therapy does not feel like it is enough for you, as you feel your body is getting activated (or triggered) in every day situations

  • You would like to relate to your selves, others and the world outside and despite what you’ve gone through

  • You need special and dedicated support that is trauma-informed, slow and body (or soma) focused


The aim of somatics is to bridge the gap between what we practice and what we most care about. Are your actions/non actions aligned with your values - even under pressure?

This journey together start with making our values as clear as water, so that we can align our somatic practices with those. Next, we will witness together your contractions and shapings, without judgement. Somatics assumes that there is incredible wisdom and resilient intelligence in our protective patterns. Listening to them allows us to get closer to what needs to be protected, not shamed. Here we aim to process the experiences stored within the soma through the emotions and body. Finally, we will work towards creating shapings that are responsive to your current values. This part of the process can take a while, but it is paramount to creating a new world within.

I am currently full with clients. You can sign up on my waiting list here. Note that my sessions rate is currently 170-250 euros.

sōma, in Greek, means ‘body’.

However, here, soma relates not only to our physical body, but our emotional, spiritual, intellectual body, our memories (we are made of water, and water remembers everything) as well as the actions we take and the ones we don’t take, our commitments.

In somatics, there is no colonial separation between the mind, the body and you. You are indistinguishable from your body.

Somatics understands that our bodies keep the score, and that, for us to transform, personal changes will be needed as well as collective change. Somatics bridges the gap between the personal and the political: personal transformation is as paramount as system change.

Somatics is a forward looking methodology that addresses the past by noticing the history of our lives in our tissues and how that impacts our current shape and futures. 

Somatics is a holistic way to transform. It engages our thinking, feeling, sensing and actions. Transformation, from a somatic view, means that the way we are, relate and act become aligned with our visions and values - even under pressure.” Staci Haines, somatic practioner and author of the book The Politics of Trauma.